Indian Angel Network > Mohit Goyal

Mohit Goyal

Co-founder, IAN

After IIT Madras and a short stint in the UK, Mohit joined IBM India, where he spent a number of years. His last position there was as IBM’s Country Manager of Nepal, after which he joined ICL UK’s Indian subsidiary ICIM, where he held a succession of senior management positions. ICIM was then the largest Indian IT company after IBM. He left ICIM to pursue an entrepreneurial career in the emerging software outsourcing opportunity and co-promoted IIS Infotech Ltd, which was ranked among the best IT companies for its Quality and HR practices. IIS was also among the first software companies to be listed in India and, in 1998, was acquired by Xansa Plc, a UK publicly listed IT major. Xansa has since been acquired by Steria of France.

Mohit then co promoted Scicom Technologies Ltd., a, IT company specializing in the more scientific computing sectors like oil exploration, medical imaging, etc. Scicom was acquired by SAIC Inc, a US publicly traded IT company, in 2007. Mohit is a founding member and Director of the Indian Angel Network, a group that has now grown to over 450 members who are active in funding startups. He is on the board of some of the investee companies. Mohit is married to Mala and they are keenly interested in areas that bring sustainable development to the under privileged. His hobbies are art, reading, music and golf.